I've decided to do a 'Give Away' this week. The rules are simple. Drop a comment on any of this week's postings (Saturday 3rd to Saturday 10th inclusive) and I'll put the names of all those who have commented in a hat (assuming I can find one – it may have to be a saucepan or some other substitute) and draw out the winner on Sunday 11th. I decided to ask Google for ideas as to what I could offer as a prize. Nearly all the answers suggested using something associated with your blog topic. But I had decided to run this on both my Book Every Six Days Blog, my Once a Librarian Blog and my main, Rambles from my Chair Blog. The only consistent topic on my main blog is Me (and Partner-who-drinks-tea has said I can't give myself away) and over the years I've covered everything from Anderson's Salamander to Angry Penguins; Auctions to Blood Tests; e.e.cummings and Exeter Football Club. Grafitti in Pompeii, Hamlet and fur coats have all turned up – could there be a more diverse blog? Even the Grimpoteuthis or Dumbo Octopus made an appearance. I couldn't see this brief look through my blog helping me decide at all.
In the end I decided to offer the winner a choice of one of the following books - all of which scored 10/10 on my book blog last year.
Helen DUNMORE - “The Siege“ (2001)
Khaled HOSSEINI – “The Kite Runner” (2003)
Alice HOFFMAN – “The Ice Queen ” (2005)
Khaled HOSSEINI – “A Thousand Splendid Suns ” (2007)
Muriel BARBERY – “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” (2008)
Paul TORDAY - “The Irresistible Inheritance of Wilberforce - a novel in four vintages" (2008)
David MITCHELL – “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet ” (2010)
Terry PRATCHETT - “Snuff“ (2011)
I look forward to all your comments.
5 years ago