Oh Dear! I seem to be far too busy (reading!) to do individual reviews which is a shame because some of these really merit it.
Ronald Blythe "The Penguin Book of Diaries" 1989 My copy ***** *****
0 14 012231 1 365pp
Scouse Press – "An Everyday History of Liverpool" My copy ***** *****
John Hussey - "The Light of Other Days" 2009 Pensby Library ***** *
978 1 9068233 22 1 311pp
Edward L Johns et al "Lucy's Diary – the journal of Lucy Rodd during her visit to England in 1870" My copy ***** ****
978-09549137-8-6 144pp
Heather Creaton – "Victorian Diaries" 2001 My copy***** ***
1 84000 359 6 144pp
Cresswell, Wm. "Diary of a Victorian Gardener" 2006 My copy ***** *
978 1 85074 988 4 176pp
Charles L Eastlake "Hints on Household Taste" 1868 My copy ***** **
0 486 25046 6 304pp
H Rider Haggard "A Farmer's Year" 1899 (1987) My copy ***** ***
0 09 170841 9 500pp
E & M A Radford "The Encyclopedia of Superstitions" 1948 My copy ***** *****
1 85986 493 1 384pp
Geoffrey Best "Mid Victorian Britain" 1971 My copy ***** ***
9 780007 2928 20 310pp
William Plomer (Ed.) "Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879" 1986 My copy ***** *****
0 7126 9397 8 288pp
Thomas Hardy – "The Mayor of Casterbridge" - second time - 1885 My copy ***** *
0 19 251042 8 404pp
Michael Anglo "Penny Dreadfuls and the Victorian Horrors" 1977 My copy ***** ****
0 904041 59 X 125pp
Elizabeth Gaskell "North and South" 1854/5 My copy ***** *****
978 1 85326 093 3 417pp
5 years ago